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Support for the Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant

May 13, 2021

Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries


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"It has been a devastating 15 months for Toronto’s tourism community. This grant will provide much-needed support for many of Toronto’s small businesses as they weather the storm a little longer, and once again be part of the visitor experience. We appreciate the work Minister MacLeod and the ministry have done to champion the small businesses that are so important to the local experiences that make our communities so vibrant, strengthen our economy and create jobs that are vital to our residents."

– Scott Beck, President & CEO, Destination Toronto

"Ottawa Tourism welcomes the support of the Government of Ontario, as it recognizes that the tourism industry was the first hit, hardest hit, and will take the longest to recover from the effects of the pandemic. Owners of tourism businesses have been resilient and creative over the past 14 months and while several aid programs have been launched, some businesses have still fallen through the cracks. Programs such as this are incredibly helpful, allowing businesses to continue employing Ontarians and contributing to the vibrant quality of life we enjoy."

– Michael Crockatt, President and CEO of Ottawa Tourism

"The Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO) is delighted at today’s announcement that $100 million will be flowing directly to tourism businesses, which have been so badly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This important investment will not only secure Ontarians' jobs and businesses in the tourism industry, but also ensure that the tourism industry is best placed to lead our province's economic resurgence. TIAO would like to thank Minister MacLeod for her unwavering commitment to delivering this support for our industry. In these difficult times, tourism has not only had a champion at the Cabinet table, but someone who understands the tourism industry and is trusted by our members to protect its future."

– Carol Greenwood, Interim President and CEO, Tourism Industry Association of Ontario

"Tourism operators across Northern Ontario continue to face challenges as Ontario navigates the global pandemic. The Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant will assist small businesses across the province to meet those demands and scale up for reopening. Thank you on behalf of our sector."

– David MacLachlan, Executive Director, Destination Northern Ontario

"Over 1,300 resource-based tourism businesses in Ontario have been facing tremendous financial challenges since the onset of this pandemic. The Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant comes at a critical time. Tourism operators in this sector have been reporting little to no revenues over the last year and significant increases to their debt load. This funding will help operators with cash flow as they get ready for what we hope will be a much better summer season. We appreciate this non-repayable support from the Ontario government and the recognition of the important role that our sector plays in the provincial economy and its recovery from the impacts of this pandemic."

– Laurie Marcil, Executive Director, Nature and Outdoor Tourism Ontario

"Minister MacLeod’s unwavering support for the tourism industry has been a ray of sunshine in these bleak times. The introduction of the Ontario Tourism and Travel Small Business Support Grant, designed to assist sector businesses that were not eligible for the Ontario Small Business Grant, is a direct result of her understanding and championing of the socio-economic importance of the industry to her peers in government. There has never been a stronger voice for tourism at the table."

– Chuck Thibeault, Executive Director, Central Counties Tourism

"We're appreciative that Premier Ford and the Ontario government recognized there were tourism businesses falling through the cracks with the Ontario Small Business Support Grant. Given the vagaries of our industry, not everyone qualified for the first grant. Stepping up to offer this much-needed support, Premier Ford and Minister MacLeod acknowledge the dire straits our industry is in and are taking action to help alleviate the negative impacts of the pandemic."

– Troy Young, CEO, Attractions Ontario

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