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News Release

Ontario Building New Long-Term Care Beds in Kapuskasing

Ongoing investments in new projects will bring much-needed beds to the province

March 24, 2022

Long-Term Care


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TORONTO — The Ontario government is building a brand new long-term care home for Extendicare Kapuskasing and adding 68 new and 60 upgraded beds. This is part of the government’s $6.4 billion commitment to build more than 30,000 net new beds by 2028 and 28,000 upgraded long-term care beds across the province. Ontario will now have 33 long-term care projects in development across the province where services for Francophone residents will be provided.

“Our government has a plan to fix long-term care and a key part of that plan is building modern, safe, and comfortable homes for our seniors,” said Paul Calandra, Minister of Long-Term Care. “This home is an example of the action our government is taking to support the Francophone community with care that is tailored to their cultural and linguistic needs. When this new building in Kapuskasing is completed, 128 residents will have a new place to call home, near their family and friends.”

The new building for Extendicare Kapuskasing will have 68 new and 60 upgraded long-term care beds. The home has proposed to offer 32 designated beds for Francophone residents. The home will provide services for mental health, behavioural support and palliative care to all residents. Extendicare Kapuskasing has community partnerships within the cultural, education and health sectors which helps ensure residents have access to the care they need, and will continue to offer cultural, linguistic and religious services for Francophones. The home is expected to start construction in summer 2023 and be ready to welcome 128 residents in spring 2025.

Ontario plans to invest an additional $300,000, beginning in 2022-23, to help make long-term care services and programs more accessible to Francophone residents. This includes $250,000 to the Regional Translation Network Program (a program under the French Language Services Office), and $25,000 to both the Ontario Association of Resident Councils (OARC) and Family Councils Ontario (FCO). The funding will support the development of educational sessions and materials in French for programs and services.

The government has a plan to fix long-term care and to ensure Ontario’s seniors get the quality of care and quality of life they need and deserve both now and in the future. The plan is built on three pillars: staffing and care; accountability, enforcement, and transparency; and building modern, safe, comfortable homes for seniors.

Quick Facts

  • The Extendicare Kapuskasing long-term care home is a designated agency under the French Language Services Act. This means the home has met the designation requirements and demonstrated capacity to provide part of its services or programs in French to residents.
  • As of today, Ontario now has 26,021 new and 21,661 upgraded beds in the development pipeline - which means more than 86 percent of the 30,000 net new beds being delivered are in the planning, construction and opening stages of the development process.
  • Ontario plans to invest an additional $3.7 billion, beginning in 2024-25, on top of the historic $2.68 billion already invested, to support this new series of allocations for the development of 10,000 net new and more than 12,000 upgraded beds across the province. These historic investments would bring the total to $6.4 billion since spring 2019.
  • Ontario is providing long-term care homes with $868 million in additional funding to help protect the health and safety of residents, staff and caregivers, and to ensure residents get the care they need and deserve. This funding will cover the extraordinary costs of COVID-19 in 2021-2022. $328 million of it is being used primarily to address the enhanced measures enacted in response to the Omicron variant.


"With today's announcement, 32 new designated beds will be available for Francophone seniors who all deserve access to the best care and support in the language of their choice. This is a concrete action by our government towards ensuring the aging Francophone population in Ontario gets the care it deserves when and where it needs it."

- Caroline Mulroney
Minister of Francophone Affairs

"This funding announcement is received by the OARC team with much enthusiasm. The infusion of dedicated French-translation funds will enable us to share our Residents’ Council tools and resources more broadly and promote their implementation in long-term care homes serving Francophone residents."

- Dee Tripp
Executive Director of the Ontario Association of Resident Councils (OARC)

Additional Resources

    Visit Ontario's website to learn more about how the Province continues to protect Ontarians from COVID-19.

    2021 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review: Build Ontario

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    Office of the Minister of Long-Term Care

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